Sunday, February 18, 2007

In Thailand with Mike

Hey all! Sorry for the huge delay in posts. I've been crazy busy traveling to the states, doing work once I got back and so forth.

This is just going to be a quick post since I have to pay for internet here, but I thought I'd update.

After my trips to NYC, LA and Las Vegas, I did a little trip back to Madison, Wisconsin to see the family and some friends. Everything was a blast, and I'll probably write a little more about it in a later post, but for now there is too much to say.

For the past 5 days or so, I've been traveling through Thailand with Mike Neuenfeldt. I landed in Bangkok late on Monday Night. Tuesday Mike and I toured the city, saw a pretty cool palace, etc. That night we saw a Thai Boxing match (Muay Thai), and made a little trip to the Redlight district. Needless to say, both were pretty crazy!

The next day, we caught a night bus down to the south of Thailand. We've spent the last few days in a town called Ao Nang. It's a real relaxed place, but it's hot and we're both fighting sunburn because of some bogus sunscreen. Since we've been here, we've mostly been laying on the beach, but we did take a day where we rented some scooters and drove all over the place.

Over the next few days we plan to do an elephant trek, a boat trip to multiple islands around Ao Nang, more laying on the beach and a trip or two to surrounding communities. The scenery so far has been pretty gorgeous. Basically everywhere you go along the beach looks like a picture from a postcard. Cool little rocky islands covered in forest are all over the place in the bays, and on the mainland limestone cliffs lead nearly all the way to the ocean with just a little strip of sand separating them from the water (at low tide).

I'll try to write more about the trip when I return to Beijing, but I already know that I'm going to be insanely busy with work for the first week or so because I took off an extra week to come down here. Also, there will be photos coming soon including shots from New York, LA, and Thailand.

That's it for now! Hope life is going well for everybody!

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