Sunday, December 10, 2006

I'm still alive and kicking . . .

Hey all. Sorry for the lack of an entry last week; I've just been too busy. This week you get one, but it's going to be short.

So this week was pretty mad with activity. I had a proposal to write, a commercial to write, and a looming VIP tour that I had to give on Friday. Hence, I was a busy-body. The proposal is almost done as of today, the commercial is done (though not perfect, but it's going to stay that way), and the VIP tour went quite well.

Actually, I'm just realizing that since I was so busy with all of the work stuff, I really don't have any interesting stories to relate, so it's alright that this blog entry will be very short.

Next week should be a little less hectic, so I'll probably be able to do some interesting things and come up with some good stories for next week's post, but we shall see. For now, I will leave off. I hope life is going well for everybody!

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